Other policies
Other policies
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
You can read our modern slavery statement, in accordance with the Modern Slavery 2015 Act, here.
Employee privacy notice
You can read our employee privacy statement here.
Privacy policy
You can read our privacy policy here.
Tax strategy
You can read our tax strategy here.
Marketing Code of Conduct
You can read our Marketing Code of Conduct here.
Pension scheme
You can read our Statement of Investment Principles here
and the Annual Implementation Statement here
Code of Business Conduct Policy
We abide by Edrington's Code of Business Conduct Policy.
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
We abide by Edrington's Anti-Corruption Policy.
Environmental Sustainability: Guidance for Suppliers and Partners
You can read our guidance here.
Supplier Terms and Conditions
You can read our T&Cs here.